This record will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Are you sure?

Select From subjects-libraries
  1. overview,


  2. mount-cheam,

    mount cheam - the crown jewel of the crv- this 2107m peak is only accessible via awd / high ground clearance vehicle

  3. mount-mcguire-ne-ridge,

    mount mcguire - short and soooooo steep

  4. introduction,

    an overview article describing this 'destinations' book, its purpose and ...

  5. contents,

    a listing of chapters for this book, includes currently published chapters as well as listing and descriptions of planned/proposed chapters

  6. ford-mountain,

    A short but steep hike with not many views along the way, but a fairly good view once you reach the summit.

  7. mount-webb,

    mount webb -

  8. A-Hikers-Guide-To-The-Chilliwack-River-Valley,

    by Don Sagrott - includes ] Mt. Cheam ] Lady Peak ] Mt. McGuire, ] Ford Mountain, ] Elk Mountain ] Mt. Macdonald ] Mount Mercer, ] Mt Webb ] and many more

  9. bear_lake,

    near harrison village

  10. REVIEW-VIDEO-Scott-Hanselmans-Personal-Systems-Organization,

    [42:00]VIDEO - my review of scott hanselman's presentation (@webstock 2012) on his personal systems of organization(PSO). my take on the "key tools and methods" scott uses to acheive his uber productivity ...

  11. Scott-Hanselmans-Personal-Systems-Organization-Part-1,

    ] SUMMARY by Don Sagrott - An article outlining the "hybrid" system(s) of personal organization that Scott Hanselman uses to achieve his insanely high level of productivity

  12. introduction,

    By Don Sagrott - An overview article introducing the concept of time management(TM) and the various systems covered in this book

  13. introduction,

    an overview article outlining the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, methodologies for personal productivity developed by Steven Covey and first published in 1989

  14. APP-evernote,

    an overview article describing this web based PIM

  15. placeHolder-201,

    201, was in tech-sw/note-keepers/

  16. placeHolder-202,

    WAS an overview article describing the different versions of this software(NO CONTENT) IN tech-sw/noteKeepers/evernote

  17. sospep-vs-evernote,

    A comparative analysis article analyzing the features of each of these apps

  18. sospep-help,

    sospeps user help documentation -

  19. test_email,


  20. overview-troubleshooting-DRAFT,

    overview-troubleshooting-guide DRAFT - a step by step approach to troubleshooting your PC issue

  21. ie9,

    version=9.0.8112 some notes on ie9 browser during testing of the sospep app suite

  22. safari-5,

    version=5.1.1 -some notes on the safari browser during testing of the sospep app suite,

  23. where to go hiking,

    where to go hiking

  24. before you go hiking,

    what you need to do before you go on ANY hikes*

  25. what to bring when you go hiking,

    what to bring when you go hiking

  26. cougar,

    what to do when you see a cougar?

  27. ch-000-contents-cars,

    contents of the cars book, links to each individual article and chapters

  28. ch-001-introduction,

    including overview article outlining the contents of this book

  29. bk2-ch1-art1,


  30. bk2-ch1-art2,


  31. vedder_mountain,

    vedder mountain

  32. howe-sound-crest-trail,

    WARNING - do not believe the government / parks board information on this trail, it is WRONG!!!!

  33. wild_pacific_trail,

    wild SPECTACULAR trail

  34. LIST-interior,


  35. water,


  36. meal-1,

    uncle bens boil in , gas station sub sandwich, B4Ugo=mickey D's greasy deluxe

  37. snacksLIST,

    beef jerky, trailmix, cheeze ? , dried fruit,

  38. feature-integrated,

    sospep is an integretated suite of PIM applications. Each of the suites applications is designed to work with the data that you create in any of the applications.

  39. feature-availability-anytime-anywhere-any-device,

    [WHAT] the sospep application is a suite of web based applications. This means that you can access your sospep data from any where with an internet connection. Additionally we are working towards ...

  40. feature-customizability,

    [WHAT] to customize or change the existing functionality design to suit your personal needs and tastes, - there are several ways that you can customize your sospep to match up with your specific information management needs

  41. feature-local,

    use the optional enhanced sospep desktop UI to maintain a local only copy of your sospep data records

  42. feature-private,

    private is the default setting for ALL of your sospep data records.

  43. feature-public,

    This means that any records that you create can be OPTIONALLY set to be available Publicly. This gives you the ability to publish your sospep applications to the web or ...

  44. contents-lamp-lj,


  45. feature-extensibility,

    [WHAT] to extend or add to the existing functionality of the original design, -there are several ways that you can extend sospep application suites functionality by simply choosing to add additional components to the core sospep application suite.

  46. pre-beta,


  47. beta-2012,

    an ovu article outlining the lay of sospep landscape

  48. Feature-Search_Articles,

    [WHAT] This search page enables users to search for subjects articles records by many of the subjects article data feilds like ID, Name, Description, Content, Library, Book or Chapter.

  49. Feature-Move_Article,

    An overview article describing the new feature(id=1289) Move-Article.

  50. Feature-Move_Articles,

    An overview article describing this feature which enable you to move multiple articles from one Chapter container to another chapter container.

  51. 000-how-to-articles-LIST-for-subjects,

    x] list of how-to articles to be created for sospep.subjects

  52. Feature-Search_Items,

    [WHAT] This search page enables users to search objects items records by many of the object item feild properties like ID, Name, Description, Content, Warehouse, Inventory or ItemCategory. Also by Unit, Quantity and Cost.

  53. Feature-Move_Item,

    An overview article describing the sospep.objects feature "move_item"

  54. Feature-Move_Items,

    An overview article describing this feature which enables you to move a selected group of items from 1 ItemCategory to another.

  55. Feature - Search Systems - Steps,

    [WHAT] This search page enables users to search systems step records by many of the systems step data feilds like ID, Name, Description, Content, Server, App or Procedure ...

  56. Feature-Move_Step,

    An overview article describing the Move Step features in the sospep systems application.

  57. Feature-Move_Steps,

    An overview article describing this feature which enables you to Move multiple system step records from 1 Procedure container record to another Procedure container record

  58. Feature-Search_People,

    [WHAT] This search page enables users to search people person records by many of the people.person data feilds like ID, First Name, Last Name, Description, Content, Community, Community Member or Community Membergroup. Also by DOB, Tel and eMail.

  59. Feature-Move_Person,

    An overview article describing the sosepep.people feature Move Person

  60. Feature-Select_Primary_Location,

    An overview article describing this feature...

  61. Feature-Move_People,

    An overview article describing this feature which enables you to move a "selected" group of people records(persons) from 1 people container to another/different people container

  62. 000-sospep-events-how-to-LIST,

    LIST - sospep events - how to, articles to add TO ADD to this chapter

  63. Feature-Plan_Journal,

    Feature - "Plan Journal" displays a listing of all of the "Completed" tasks that a Plan contains.

  64. Feature-Plan_Tasklist,

    Feature - "Plan Tasklist" displays a listing of all of the "To-Do" tasks that a Plan contains.

  65. Feature-Plan_In-Process,

    Feature - "Plan In-Process" displays a listing of all of the "In-Process" tasks that a Plan contains.

  66. Feature-Plan-All,

    Feature - "Plan All" displays a listing of "all" of the tasks that a Plan contains, regardless of their status.

  67. Feature-Calendar-All,

    Feature - "Calendar All" displays a listing of "all" of the tasks that a "Calendar" contains, regardless of their status.

  68. Feature-Calendar-In-Process,

    Feature - "Calendar In-Process" - displays a listing of all of the "In-Process" tasks that a "Calendar" contains.

  69. Feature-Calendar_Journal,

    Feature - "Calendar Journal" displays a listing of all of the "Completed" tasks that a Calendar contains.

  70. Feature-Calendar_Tasklist,

    Feature - "Calendar Tasklist" displays a listing of all of the "To-Do" tasks that a Calendar contains.

  71. Feature-Taskgroup_All,

    Feature - "Taskgroup All" displays a listing of "all" of the tasks that a "Taskgroup" contains, regardless of their status.

  72. Feature-Taskgroup_In_Process,

    Feature - "Taskgroup In-Process" displays a listing of all of the "In-Process" tasks that a particular "Taskgroup" contains

  73. Feature-Taskgroup_Journal,

    Feature - "Taskgroup Journal" displays a listing of all of the "Completed" tasks that a Taskgroup contains.

  74. Feature-Taskgroup_Tasklist,

    Feature - "Taskgroup Tasklist" displays a listing of all of the "To-Do" tasks that a Taskgroup contains

  75. Feature-Data_Feild_Templates-Tasks,

    [WHAT] This feature enables the user to Create and then Assign a template to a particular data feild.

  76. Feature-Search-Tasks,

    [WHAT] This search page enables users to search events task records by many of the events task feilds including the task ID, Name, Description, Content, Calendar, Plan or TaskGroup. Also by Est. Duration, Start Date&Time, StartDate ...

  77. Feature-Email_Task,

    This article describes how the user can send a task record via email to one or more recipients.

  78. Feature-Priorities,

    This feature enables the user to designate a task record with a specified priority ranking in order to isolate or enhance its visibility. The user can then view the "specified" priority tasks for any Taskgroup, Plan, Calendar, Dapp or sospep db

  79. Feature-Link_Task,

    Feature - "Link Task" enables you to link your task record to any other sospep record, to a web sites or pages or many other resources.

  80. Feature-Move_Task,

    Article describing the move task feature.

  81. Feature-Move_tasks,

    An overview article describing this feature which is used to move multiple task records from on taskgroup container to another taskgroup.

  82. Feature-Search-Locations,

    [WHAT] This search page enables users to search places locations records by many of the places location feilds including the location ID, Name, Description, Content, Atlas, Map or Sector. Also by the Ctry,State,City, St. Address 1 or 2,and Postal or Zip

  83. Feature-html_editor_for_content_feild,


  84. Feature-Move-Location,

    An overview article describing the sospep.places feature Move Location

  85. Feature-Move_Locations,

    An overview article describing this feature which enables you to Move multiple locations at the same time.You can move the selected locations from 1 location "sector' container to any other location sector container

  86. dapp-overview,

    this is an overview article describing sospep dapp's which enable you to extend the functionality of "your sospep" by "plugging" in additional funcionality

  87. apps,

    an overview article describing this feature which enables you to extend or "plug-in" additional application functionality

  88. dapp-my_money-overview,

    an overview article describing the finances dapp, which will ultimately be an app, ?=SHOULD THIS not be under sospep and NOT under ??

  89. dapp-my_pc-overview,

    an overview article describing the "my_pc" dapp which extends the functionality of the core sospep suite by providing basic "computing systems" record keeping and reporting/documenting functionality

  90. dapp-my_diet-overview,

    an overview article describing this DAPP which enables you to ...