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Select From subjects-libraries
  1. about-beta-software,

    an article describing ...

  2. about-our-version-numbering-system,

    an article describing our version numbering system

  3. beta-2012,

    an overview article briefly describing this version of the sospep software

  4. beta-2012,

    an overview article briefly describing this version of the sospep software

  5. beta-2013,

    overview description of our beta software, WHY you should use it and WHAT you need to know before you begin

  6. beta-2013-05-summary-revisions,

    an overview article briefly describing the REVISIONS in this version of the software

  7. beta-2013-06-summary-revisions,

    an overview article briefly describing the REVISIONS in this version of the software

  8. beta-2013-REVISIONS,

    overview description of our beta software, WHY you should use it and WHAT you need to know before you begin