about sospep [ current version ] beta 2018 :: 4 :: 018
This record will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Are you sure?
{"":"FEA #] 1463 - OOP","DESC":"PG edit/library - ] implement OOP functionality replacing LibraryData methods class, ] implement validation object vs ... "}
{"":"FEA #] 1463 - OOP","DESC":"PG delete/library - ] implement OOP functionality replacing LibraryData methods class"}
{"FIX":"PRB #] # - w3c validation edits","DESC":"update view/L1 PAGES with validation edits"}
{"UPDATE":"FEA #] PG Layout","DESC":"PG m.view/article - ] revised layout of mobile page to display 'content' as default page, w/Details button, reversed Photo and Details buttons on bottom menu"}
{"UPDATE":"FEA #] PG Layout","DESC":"PG m.view/item - ] revised layout of mobile page to display 'content' as default page, w/Details button, x] reversed Photo and content buttons on navFooter menu"}
{"FIX":"PRB #] # - view/step field name - startdate NOT start_time","DESC":"feild name not aligned in all db step tables"}
{"FIX":"PRB #] # db inventories - missing tables, po, po-lines","DESC":"not all db's in inventory had this update, review and added"}