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  1. Ashkenas,Jeremy

    ] works @coderead ] coffeescript, ]

  2. Bidelman,Eric

    ] works @google, ] on html5 and javascript,

  3. Crockford,Douglas

    ] works@paypal yahoo ] on javascript

  4. Dale,Tom

    @ emberjs(founder),

  5. Doron,Tomer

    ] author of google style gauges oss,

  6. Eich,Brendan

    ] works @mozilla, ] wrote the original javascript language for netscape circa 1994,

  7. Fabbro,Angelina

    works @ steamclock software, presenter @jsconf 2013,

  8. Grigorak,Ilya

    ] works @google

  9. Heikkinen,Ilmari

    guru, coder(freelance), profile from g+,

  10. Irish,Paul

    ] works@google, developer relations for chrome

  11. Katz,Yehuda

    ] works @tilde, ON ember, rOr, jq core member, Thor, Handlebars

  12. Manor,Elijah

    works @Mozilla,jquery,

  13. Osami,freind

    ]from g+ post,2014-02-05 co-authored book, worked together on startup

  14. Osmani,Addy


  15. Rauschma,Alex

    ] speaker, author(speakingJS), blogs on js()

  16. Resig,John

    wrote the jquery library for javascript

  17. Russell,Alex

    ] works @google, ] rep to w3c on .., presentation at google i/o 2011 +] blog to RSS /feed

  18. Souders,Steve

    ] works@google, ] website performance,

  19. Stefanov,Stoyan

    ] works@facebook

  20. Verou,Lea

    ] works @? ,w3c webplatform ] css, front end design, ] MOVE to design