OVERVIEW ] sources, ] add BM, ] organize BM by ]
startup accelerator - ycombinator - application - questions - with example answers
process for "documenting" the production of a new feature
the list of sources that we will check for content/new content
installing the "official" git client, (there are other git clients for windows), the current version (2014-03-14) was 1.9.0-preview
] Install the Integrated Development Environment(IDE) - visual studio code(VSC), from Microsoft(MSFT), open source,
] collection of interview questions to use to evaluate software engineering questions
] new site setup("portfolio") ] SECTION menu
] setup the web site
small market test - getting to and servicing 1k active users
] buy/register domain name, ] point dn to nameservers ]
setting up the basics of the git bash command line scripting editor to manage your git projects
] buy hosting package, ] set up site,
] Install-Source Code Management (SCM) software - installing git
startup accelerator - ycombinator - interview questions - with example answers
process for "documenting" the production of a new PAGE
IF source item IS appropriate, ADD item as bookmark to BM-Q
] UPDATE the web site x]
small market test - getting to and servicing 10k active users
] setup the initial web site, style, layout using a pre built template
] STARTing with template ("startbootstrap 4 col")
] steps required to create a new project on your local machine
] goals ]
] setup the initial design concepts, ] content layout, ] navigation
install-dev-framework - installing the node development framework
install-dev-framework - installing the dotnet core development framework (SDK)
medium market test - getting to and servicing 100k active users
office hours -
for all bookmarks, MOVE to appropriate DATE FOLDER ( or BM CATEGORY )
process for "documenting" the resolution of a new problem
] default home page, ]
] setup the initial web site, style, layout using a pre built template
ADD all bookmarks from Q to bm-by-date article
] steps required to create a new project on your local machine, by cloning an existing project
] menus
including ...
write-the-code app 001 console .NET - v-0.0.1 - ] basic console application, ] C# front end, ] C# backend, ] REQUIRES .net core dev-framework, ] C# language extension
write-the-code app 001 web .NET - v-0.0.1 - ] basic web application, ] javascript front end, ] C# backend, ] REQUIRES .net core dev-framework,, ] C# language extension
write-the-code web app one - v-0.0.1 - ] basic web application, ] javascript front end, ] javascript backend,
005] debug configuration, 006] source code management, 007] testing, 008] deployment,
] REPLACE "placeholder text" with "site specific" description text, ] across multiple sections including ( x] cover, x] about, x] services, x] contact footer)
] REPLACE "placeholder images and icons" with "site specific images and icons", ] across multiple sections including x] cover, i] services, i] portfolio(2/4), i] workflow,
PAGE index SECTION cover - x] site title, x] tagline, x] cover image, x] learn more button
USE new content to create social media SHARE, aka redistribution of someone else's content
PAGE index SECTION about - x] title, x] description
use new content to create social media or blog POST
x] PAGE index SECTION my Services, x] PAGE Service Item Detail View * (4)