about sospep [ current version ] beta 2018 :: 4 :: 018
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] tap action menu, ] tap desired sharing option(ex BBM, email, fb, remember, ...)
] tap action menu ] tap reader - to enjoy a better reading experience on web pages, have the browser remove the page ads, etc and focus on displaying the CONTENT only
] tap - to view 2 websites on screen at the same time
[Q5/Q10/passport] KEYBOARD DEVICES - LIST of keyboard shortcuts for use in the web browser
] tap Action menu, ] tap settings ] tap Privacy and Security ] tap clear history
] tap action menu ] tap settings ] tap display and actions ] set adobe flash support to on
] tap action menu ] tap settings ] tap developer tools ] set desktop mode switch to on - to open/view full version of websites (versus mobile version)
] tap action menu, ] tap downloads
] tap and hold the back button - to view a list of previously browsed website pages, ] tap any page to return to it