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Select From systems-servers
  1. 041-question-MARKET

    How big an opportunity is there?

  2. 042-question-FOUNDERS

    Six months from now, what’s going to be your biggest problem?

  3. 043-question-FOUNDERS

    What’s the funniest thing that has happened to you?

  4. 044-question-FOUNDERS

    Tell us something surprising you have done?

  5. 045-question-PRODUCT

    Who are your competitors?

  6. 046-question-PRODUCT

    What’s new(unique) about what you make?

  7. 047-question-PRODUCT

    How many users do you have?

  8. 048-question-PRODUCT

    Why isn’t someone already doing this?

  9. 049-question-PRODUCT

    What are the top things users want?

  10. 050-question-BUSINESS

    What is your burn rate?

  11. 051-question-MARKET

    How do you know customers need what you’re making?