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Select From systems-servers
  1. step-00-prerequisites

    before we begin, you gonna need these goodies ... ] git ] node ] chrome ] angular-phonecat app ]

  2. step-000-bootstrapping

    ] your ready to build your first angular app, heres a bit about how it works

  3. step-001-template-static

    ] example of a list of items, in hard coded html,

  4. step-002-templates-dynamic

    ] here is the same static list, created this time using angularjs templates VS static html,

  5. step-003-filtering-repeaters

    ] creating a search function by

  6. step-004-data-binding-2-way

    ] adding a select box to enable user selected ordering of data ] adding an orderBy property to model and directive ] adding test

  7. step-005-xhr-dependancy-injection

    ] dependency injection - using ng build in di subsystem to "inject" data into our controller, using $http "service" to get the desired data

  8. step-006-templating-and-links

    ] templating and links -

  9. step-007
