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Select From events-calendars
  1. project-035-git-started

    LIST-all - all documentation related to this project - learning git

    • Status: To-Do StartDateTime: 2014-03-15 10:06:38 Duration: 01:00:00
  2. CREATE-article

    ] using github pages - publish static html content on the github site, FREE,

    • Status: To-Do StartDateTime: 2015-06-20 18:29:40 Duration: 01:00:00
  3. CREATE-article

    ] git going - common use case scenarios using the git/github SCM/repo hosting service

    • Status: To-Do StartDateTime: 2017-05-01 21:26:44 Duration: 01:00:00
  4. CREATE-article

    ] git add and git commit - the very basic operations at the heart of git

    • Status: To-Do StartDateTime: 2017-05-01 21:26:44 Duration: 01:00:00
  5. CREATE-article

    ] git push and git pull - the very basic operations at the heart of git,

    • Status: To-Do StartDateTime: 2017-05-01 21:26:44 Duration: 01:00:00